Super Bowl 45 Commericals Sneak Peak

Every year there are millions of people who tune in the Super Bowl not for the game, but to watch the commercials.  If you team is not playing, is that why you watch?  Here’s a sneak peak at a couple of the commericals you can anticipate seeing.  I love the E-trade ones with the baby and the Career Builders with the chimps.  Doritoes always has good ones too.  Budwiser can come up with funny ads, as in the past they had the horses playing football.  What ones are you looking forward to seeing?

16 Responses to Super Bowl 45 Commericals Sneak Peak

  1. jsnana says:

    Looks like e-trade has new babies.

    Short power outage this morning, but happily it is back on. We do have wood for the fireplace, so we’d be okay.

    Day2 – Ice Bowl week. Lovely.

  2. Just Jex says:

    LOVE the commercials!!!!! The chimp with the purse just threw me over the top!!! She had a purse and was trying to keep in on her shoulder like a real lady!!! LMAOTIMES!!!

    And the etrade babies are always my favorites. Although I like the last baby better. Guess he moved on, huh?

    Stay warm and hang in there NanaBerry! That was us a couple weeks ago. The first day was all fun and games. Then it gets old real quick.

    • jsnana says:

      Jex, I’m good with it. I have exercise stuff at home, we have wood for the fire place, and my kitties are happy to snuggle close. Only thing is I’m having a chinese food craving!

  3. jsnana says:

    Turns out they are doing rolling outages all over the area. Nice of them to let us know before we start losing power.

  4. jsnana says:

    Oh, and the groundhog did not see his shadow. Supposedly that means an early spring.

  5. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Morning Nana and Jexy! Happy Hump Day!

    Nana I hope the groundhog is RIGHT!

  6. jsnana says:

    Temp is 14, wind chill 1. Light snow for thurs. and fri.

  7. jsnana says:

    we’re having fun with rolling blackouts. People driving on the ice crazy. I don’t know. Keeping my happy hiney home.

  8. jsnana says:

    Did I tell ya’ll that my grandson made his highschool JV team. Not sure which one though. They have 2 JV teams and are currently accessing their play at practices and will determine which are on which before the first game. He was sooooo excited. He’s been playing since he was 3 and this is the ultimate.

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