Super Bowl – Highlights and Lowlights…..

It’s over!  Yes, Superbowl 45 has left town.   I’m still trying to figure out why we have a red carpet for celebrities.  Do I really care who from the land of Hollyweird is there?  Nope.  But, moving…. It’s your turn to give your take on the Bowl.

What was your favorite commercial? (Really, liking dorito crumbs off a guys pants.)  Joan Rivers, the new GoDaddy Girl…scary stuff.  Well, since the Chevy commercial made my daughter  famous – that was my favorite.  😀

What did you think of halftime?  PEAS, USHER, SLASH!  I loved it.  Not that tired oldies stuff of SB’s past. 

How did Big D do as host city?

How did Christina do with the National Anthem? SHE FORGOT THE WORDS!  Hasn’t she had like months to get ready?

Oh, and the winner is: GREEN BAY.

21 Responses to Super Bowl – Highlights and Lowlights…..

  1. Mr. Sunshine says:

    Morning All!!

    Thoroughly enjoyed the game. And, the Pack won! 🙂
    About the commercials. I liked the dogs serving Budweiser best and the VW Darth Vader commercial.

    And, I’m still shocked about the Splangled Banner??
    You have how many months to practice. Oh well, it’s definitely her loss. And, the Peas/Slash/Usher was entertaining. I didn’t think anybody sounded that good. 😦

  2. Just Jex says:

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Nana, how did Chevy make your daughter famous? I didn’t really get to enjoy the commercials. We were at a party and it was too loud and busy.

    I did see and enjoy the commercial for Bridgestone Tires (I think it was), with the beaver who told the driver, “I got you”. I cracked up from that one.

    Doritos was on a roll with theirs, but I didn’t get the full effect of them.

  3. jsnana says:

    Morning Sunshine! I was rooting for the NFC, of course, but will be glad all the countdown stuff in the area is over.

    I’m not sure I like the new e-trade baby.

  4. Just Jex says:

    I don’t think I like the new Etrade baby as much either. I saw the commercial with the cat (couldn’t hear it), and it didn’t seem as if the kid delivered like the last one did.

    Speaking of kids, why was little 2 yr old running around the house last night disrupting the game and grown folks activities? I really think that kids should be in a separate area/room for something like that. ESPECIALLY with alcohol involved. Kid kept picking up people’s drinks and running around and falling down and his sister (3 or 4) kept standing in front of the TV because she wasn’t getting enough attention. And of course the parents weren’t doing anything because they were too busy eating, drinking and talking. Funny how people want to have kids, but don’t want to be responsible for them and yet expect everyone else to help watch them and take care of them. Oh well.

    Jex steps down from soap box, slips, falls and breaks a nail

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      LMAO @ you and your soapbox!

      • Just Jex says:

        Hey Lady E! Sorry, but it just irks me when people bring their kids to grown folks parties and don’t watch them and just let them run around and fall and bump their haids and what nots. Then when the kid breaks something or cracks his haid, its “oh my baby.” Yeah, whatever.

  5. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Good merntin Spotters! I truly have a HANGOVER!!!!!!!!! I had so many pina’s and daquari’s I couldn’t discern between the commercials and the game. I only knew someone scored when the crowd got loud, LOL.

    Oh and Jexyloo, we had 3 kids age 9/10 and we put them upstairs with the Wii and never saw them til the end 😀

  6. Just Jex says:

    LMAO @ E being lost in Margaritaville! I only sipped on wine and a little rum punch. Did NOT want to be sick on a Monday morning.

    And that’s what I’m talking about. Put the kids in another room or make sure they’re not getting in the way. Don’t just let them have run of the house. But the mother was only 23, just a baby herself, so. . .

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      Yeah, I’ve been to those where the lil’ kiddies run amuck, lol. But my hubbies ol’ skool when it comes to kiddies, he will send them out of a room of grown folk with a quickness! Ours and others, LOL.

      • Just Jex says:

        LOL! It really does take a village. But each hut has to be responsible for their own nestlings.

  7. Eve Doin'ME says:

    LOL @ Jexyloo!

  8. jsnana says:

    Jexie, here’s the commercial:

  9. jsnana says:

    Doctor day round one completed. Blood work was fun, as usual. Darn buried veins.

    Now it’s off to get squeezed in the vise grip!

    Chat in a bit.

    Oh, and I’m so enjoying my breakfast – at last!

  10. Just Jex says:

    Ok, so . . . what’s up with the Chevy commercial?

  11. Superfly says:

    I likeded the Bud commercial/kitchen remodel. It reminded me of wifey’s HGTV addiction.

    I thought the halftime entertainment was wayyyyy below subpar. Goes to show you how much ‘artists’ depend on a sound engineer these days. Folks like that sould be shamed of themseleves for taking somebody’s money.

    Please get someone next year that can actually perform live.

    Thank you.

  12. Superfly says:

    and wassup with E lockin her kids in the room downstairs while the grown ups get their drink on?


    sounds like the time I locked mine up and went to Cancun. 🙂

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      LOL @ Big P! They weren’t locked up, they were free to roam, but they had so much fun they forgot about us, LOL!

  13. jsnana says:

    We had fun joking with my child about that last night on FB.

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