
Open forum today.  Have a good day all.

20 Responses to Tuesday….

  1. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Wow Nana! That’s a piece of eye candy for ya! Thanks!

  2. Just Jex says:

    GOT to be mo’careful!

    Tappy Huesday. . .er, dappydues. . .uh, wait a minute, let me just look at the pretty man for a minute. . . .

  3. jsnana says:

    Morning all!!!!! In the office today. Bah humbug. I sure hope they get somebody soon, this 2 weeks turned into 2 months!

    I was looking for a Tuesday picture and was debating between two funny ones, and then this one caught my eye…and eye….and eye… and figured, why not!

    Hope everyone is great!

  4. jsnana says:

    Miley Cyrus has been less than Disney squeaky clean the last few years. And it’s starting to scare her dad.

    Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley’s father — both off camera and on, as he played her dad in “Hannah Montana” — spoke with GQ in a long interview, talking about his daughter’s frequent slipups (salvia smoking, pole dancing, numerous racy photos, amongst others) and saying that he’s been helpless to control them. Even if he’s getting blamed.

    Saying that he often was cut out the process — told that it not his business — or protested by staying away — Billy bemoaned the fact that he’d get pinned with the slipup, anyway — they let him “take the bullet.”

    The mistake he made, he says, was trying to be too much of a friend to Miley — and as a result, not being a better parent. Now, as a concerned parent, he feels helpless — and even cites Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith and his late friend Kurt Cobain as ultimate disasters that he hopes she’ll avoid following.

    “I’m scared for her. She’s got a lot of people around her that’s putting her in a great deal of danger,” he said. “I know she’s 18, but I still feel like as her daddy I’d like to try to help. Take care of her just a little bit, to at least get her out of danger. I want to get her sheltered from the storm. Stop the insanity just for a minute. When you go through what she’s been through, it takes a beating on you.”

    Out here is living on his own, out of his family’s house — he’s in the middle of a divorce from Miley’s mom Tish, to whom he’s been married for 18 years. The show, he said, drove a wedge between them all. The whole has been difficult on Miley, too, as she’s said that the coverage of the family drama is “pushing her buttons.”

  5. Just Jex says:

    . . .trying to be too much of a friend. . .

    Well, praise the Lord and Hallelujah. Is the world finally starting to come around? Are parents going back to parenting now?

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      Let’s pray and hope so! I empathize with him tho’ cause regular teens are a full-time job, I can imagine a rich one who has the means to live however they want. Wouldn’t want to trade places with him.

    • jsnana says:

      Jex, it would be about time wouldn’t it! I can’t help but wonder if it was also because she was keeping him in a job with the show, and helping him pay the bills! I just for some reason see her going the way of Lindsey Lohan.

      • Just Jex says:

        GOING the way of Lindsay? Isn’t she already there? Posing almost half nekkid, smoking some kind of substance nobody really knows about. Dating so many different guys she has her own Bachelorette show. And at what, 17? They’re about hand in hand if you ask me. And goodness knows the way they keep letting Lindsay off is no deterent.

        See? if you cry and act like you’re really sorry over and over again, they will let you get by. . .over and over again. You won’t have to be responsible for anything you do. Ever.

        And not that anything she has done has been totally outrageous, but no one is going to stop her because she has money, so its only going to get worse IMO.

  6. Eve Doin'ME says:

    I am SO TIREEEEEEEEEEEEED! Can’t wait to get home and go to bed.

    • Just Jex says:

      Me too!! And all I had for lunch was some seafood stir fry and pineable. That was light enough not to make me full but healthy enough to keep me going. Or so I thought.

      • Eve Doin'ME says:

        Girl I had a salad and 1/4 piece of grilled chicken breast and then I walked the mall at lunch. I was full of energy until I sat down at my desk now I just want to take a nap.

  7. kimtastic says:

    Hey y’all! Peeking in for a sec. We are busy still. Me likey likey the picture Nana! I hope everyone is doing good cuz I miss y’all. And Miley does remind me of Lindsey. And wtf was in that egg the other night at the clammies? Was it an albino? Smh.

    And I’m down 12 pounds but don’t tell nobody cuz I don’t wanna jinx it. Oh and yeah Green Bay! And that poor woman and her mini stroke on tv.

    Did ai miss anything?

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      Hey heffa, long time no hear from! LOL!!!!! You didn’t miss anything and I think that was a baby dinosaur in that egg, but I think it came out before time to hatch ’cause it still looked a mess, LMAO!

  8. jsnana says:

    Mylie is 18 now so she is trying to get her hoe degree. I had a turkey melt stripped down and fruit and I’m still hungry. I’m doing core now and it sure makes me hungrier. Hey Kimmy we miss you and shopper too.

  9. kimtastic says:

    Lmao!! Hey sweet Eve. I think gags tries too hard. Me no likey.

  10. kimtastic says:

    Awwww thank you Nana. I miss y’all too.

    I had a turkey from Subway and that’s it.

  11. Just Jex says:

    Yeah, that poor reporter lady. She was really trying so hard to make sense, but it just wasn’t happening.

    • Eve Doin'ME says:

      It reminded me of Jim Carey’s movie Evan Almighty(?) When he made the newscaster talk funny. I hope she’s ok, I can’t imagine how scared she must have been.

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