American Idol Top 24…

February 24, 2011
Wednesday night ,we saw 5 make it through and a surprise in the elimination of Chris Medina, the young man whose fiance was hurt in an accident.  Although, his singing was not consistently good, the elimination caused JL0 to break down.    Pictures of past Idol winners are behind the judges on the set: Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, and, I think, Kris Allen.   Next week the guys will perform first on Tuesday – then the ladies  on Wednesday.   Results show on Thursday – 3 nights of Idol.    Thursday night’s show, in order to drag it out for the full two hours,  was basically a look back on each contestant as they make the long walk, long walk (some called the “green mile”)  to the judges to learn if they leave happy or with long faces.

Here’s the top 24 for Season 10.

Naima Adedapo

Clint Jun Gamboa

Haley Reinhart

Paul McDonald

Ashthon Jones

Karen Rodriguez

Robbie Rosen

Tatynisa Wilson

Tim Halperin

Julie Zorrilla

Scotty McCreery (the deep voice Randy Travis type country singer)

Jovany Barreto

Lauren Turner

Rachel Zevita

Jordan Dorsey

Lauren Alaina

Stefano Langone

Jacob Lusk

Pia Toscano

James Durbin

Casey Abrams

Thia Megia

Brett Lowenstern


Did You Watch?

February 24, 2011

I didn’t. I got caught up with Survivor and America’s Next Top Model. I didn’t even think about Idol until after 11:00.

So, if you watched, tell us, WHAT HAPPENED? Were they any good? Was there any drama? Did any of your favorites get the boot? TELL US!