Changes…..Are Coming!

March 30, 2011

Change: defined as to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution; to make different.  All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear. However, one thing is for sure. Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too. When a life change occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents.  

 Our little blog family has gone through lots of changes, and we’ve always persevered.   Beginning, next week, all Posts will be weekly – Monday mornings with new beginnings, for the week, as we, the blog, goes through our new beginnings.  I hope you will swing by and visit from time to time…to keep in touch.  If you have any suggestions, guests posts for Mondays – or want to add one or two during the week – it will be welcome.  Remember: 

Top 10, oops, 11, touring company Square Off – 2 Will Go Home

March 29, 2011

Here we are, the week after the save was used to keep Casey Abrams in the game.  Will it work for him to move on or will he be one of the 2 that go home this week.  The theme:  It’s Elton John week on American Idol.  There hasn’t been an Elton John theme since Season 3, when Elton dropped by to mentor the kids.  Suppose he’ll show up again?  What would you have them sing? 

In other Idol news:  Jennifer Hudson’s new album has sold 167,373.  That’s pretty good these days.  Nothing else out there new from Idols alums with the exception of Jason Aldean’s “My Kind of Party” which features a duet with Kelly Clarkson. It is currently at 31.  Speaking of Kelly C, she was going to release her new album, but TPTB, decided that a September release would be more beneficial. Clarkson broke that news that her album was being pushed to a fall release. “I recently found out that my album won’t be coming out until September,” she tweeted. “The album has been recorded, but I can’t release it until then. I realize that is a long time but that’s the best time to release it, apparently, so I’m sorry for the wait but I promise you it sounds great!”

 Her writer Claude Kelly revealed that Clarkson’s album may be her best yet. The music, according to Kelly, is more uptempo and fun and brings her back to “true Kelly Clarkson form. “[It’s] always up-tempo for me when it comes to Kelly,” [Claude] Kelly told MTV. “I like to hear her in kick-butt mode.   She has an edge to her voice that you want to hear her sing high and get in your face.”    Clarkson recently said that the album was heavily influenced by Radiohead, Prince, Tina Turner, Sheryl Crow, Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder. “The album is gonna be a great pop record! said Clarkson. “I can’t wait for ya’ll to hear it!”   Most of the tracks have been under wraps, but Clarkson recently debuted one song, a cover of Eric Hutchinson-penned ballad ‘Why Don’t You Try,’ at Muhammad Ali’s 17th Annual Celebrity Fight Night.   Here’s the performance.  Sounds not great, but the song is good.   

DWTS – Week 2; Loving This Season!

March 28, 2011

We are into the 2nd week of DWTS.  After Monday’s performances, Tuesday night will be the beginning of the axes to fall.  Who do you think will be the first one to give their “last dance”?Each couple  performed either the jive or the quickstep this week.   Did you vote?
Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas (Jive) Not much jive, but I like the dance.
Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani (Quickstep) Thought it was much better than last week – lots of fun with the dance.  I liked it.
Romeo and Chelsie Hightower (Quickstep) I hope he is on for a while, I really like him.  He’s so darn cute.
Hines Ward and Kym Johnson (Quickstep) Love his smiling face.  He’s another cutie. And he is one of the best dancers so far too. 
Petra Nemcova and Dmitry Chaplin (Jive) I didn’t like her jive at all – it was like she was counting the steps, stiff.
Sugar Ray Leonard and Anna Trebunskaya (Jive) I liked it, judges didn’t.
Kendra Wilkinson and Louis Van Amstel (Quickstep) Well, I thought she was stiff, stiff, stiff.  Didn’t see Mr. Playboy in the audience tonight.
Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff (Jive) His daughter and son and wife come to watch rehearsals.  His daughter is very pretty.  Ralph is definitely the best dancer so far. 
Chris Jericho and Cheryl Burke (Quickstep) Good job.  Did you see the cute toothless smile on his son’s face!  Cheryl always does a good job.
Mike Catherwood and Lacey Schwimmer (Jive) I just didn’t like it at all.  Something about him, and her, they just don’t have the chemistry to me.
Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy (Quickstep) Again, like last week, I’m impressed!  Maksim has her doing a great job.

Here’s my favorite from last night: 

Results Show – Who didn’t make the cut to the Top 10

March 24, 2011

Thursday night we learned who will be in the “show troop” for this year’s Idol.  The show started with Marc Anthony helping the kids learn how to use their in-ear monitors. Marc wants no F excuses this week. (yeah he said that with a bleep). Marc doesn’t totally agree with the judges…including his wife.  The group sing with Ain’t No Mountain High Enough and wait, here’s comes Stevie W!!!!!!  Awesome!  And, it’s Steven Tyler’s birthday and he gets a cake, poster with his pictue on it, and the song sung by Stevie himself.  They all go up on stage.

First three are safe: Scott, Pia, and Lauren.

Next up, performance by country’s Sugarland performing Stuck Like Glu.

More results:  James and Paul up next…..Ryan tells me then are not safe- and Hulk Hogan appears.  However, the Hulk, tells them they are safe.  That’s five of the tour group so far.  Hulk then tells Ryan he is not safe – and fake punches him, Ryan falls into the audience and the Hulk tears off his shirt.

Jacob, Stefano,and Thia are next…Jacob is safe, Thia and Stefano are in the bottom 3.

Naima, Haley and Casey up next….Naima is safe, Casey in bottom 3.  Wow, didn’t see that coming.  That makes, Thia, Stefano and Casey, the bottom 3.

Next up, Jennifer Hudson – the Academy Award winning Idol alum.  She sings her new single  Where You At.  She looks really good.  I like this new song. 

This goes back to the safe spot, leaving Casey and Stefano.   Lowest votes go to Casey Abrams.  WHAT????  Will the Judges save him?  Randy stops him from singing, and the judges say they don’t need to hear him – they use the SAVE! and keep Casey on the show.  Awesome.  He’s overcome with emotion.  The audience chants “thank you judges”.  Casey runs to hug his Mom.  Will it be enough to keep him in.  We’ll see. 

Ryan says there will be 11 that go on tour because of what happened with the save, and next week, 2 will be eliminated.

My 3 Favs

March 24, 2011

Wednesday was the hopes of the 11 left on Idol to make the Top 10, the tourning company…..Here’s my favorits from last night.  What were yours.

Just What We Need – Another Miracle Diet

March 22, 2011

Here it is, supposedly the diet used by the next Queen in Waiting – Prince William’s bride-to-be.  Her mother has confirmed that she, the mother, has used the diet.   What’s wrong with just, moderation and some exercise? 

First there was Atkins, then came South Beach, and now there’s the Dukan Diet. Dr. Pierre Dukan, dubbed the Dr. Atkins of France, is responsible for Europe’s most popular diet book and the latest carnivorous weight-loss plan. In April, the book will be released in the U.S. and it’s already cooking up controversy.

The book outlines a protein-rich, low-fat approach to weight loss. According to The New York Times, there are four phases of the Dukan diet: the first involves a strict menu of non-fatty protein (skinless turkey, chicken breast, low-fat beef, or fish), plus 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily and loads of water. In phase two, dieters are introduced to veggies. Phase three, they’re allowed two slices of bread, a serving of cheese and fruit and two servings of carbs a day, with a wine-and-dessert allowance two days a week. In the final phase of the diet, “Dukamaniacs” (as they’re dubbed) can eat anything they want, provided they return to phase one’s protein, oat bran, and water regimen one day per week.

According to the Telegraph, Carole Middleton lost four pounds in four days following the diet. Daughter Kate is rumored to have hopped on the Dukan bandwagon as well, amidst public concerns  over her shrinking frame. Kate’s given no confirmation of her diet plans to the press. “It’s a hugely private matter,” a royal press aide told the Associated Press.

The Dukan diet is the kind of plan that doesn’t just cater to royalty. A huge hit with carnivores, as well as those who loathe the gym, the diet’s low-impact cardio component only requires 20 minutes of walking.

But some health experts warn of nutritional hazards: “We call it the ‘Do-can’t’ diet,” Sian Porter, a dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, told the Times. “Even if you can survive it for the first few days, it’s hard to stick with it. It’s hard on your kidneys. And it’s expensive.”

The French health agency ANSES warns that the diet contains too much salt, and not enough vitamin C and fiber—an imbalance that could take a serious physical toll on the body. ‘‘The Dukan diet is associated with an increased risk of cancer and heart disease, even if this has not yet been proved in tests,” says ANSES chief researcher Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf in Daily Mail. Lecerf also believes that after initial weight loss, dieters are likely to put the weight back on.

DWTS….Did You Watch?

March 21, 2011

The new season of DWTS started Monday night.  And I have to
admit, I was curious about the cast this season.  No one really stood out to me to be a dancing talent, or a possible one anyway.  Did you watch?  What do you think?  What do you think of the pairings?  Ladies and Gents….Kirstie Alley – who would have thought.  The heffer could move it on the floor!

Catch the pairings below!

  • Kirstie Alley will dance with Maksim Chmerkovskiy, who is back for his 10th season
  • Radio personality “Psycho” Mike Catherwood teams with Lacey Schwimmer, beginning her fourth season
  • WWE star Chris Jericho teams up with two-time champ Cheryl Burke, returning for her 11th season
  • Disney star Chelsea Kane is paired with two-time champ Mark Ballas, now back for his eighth season
  • Sugar Ray Leonard will join Anna Trebunskaya, who is back for her seventh season
  • Ralph Macchio dances with Karina Smirnoff, back for her eight season
  • Supermodel Petra Nemcova partners with Dmitry Chaplin, returning for his third season
  • Rapper and actor Romeo is teamed with Chelsie Hightower, back for her fifth season
  • Hines Ward will partner with Season 9 champion Kym Johnson, returning for her ninth season
  • Reality star Kendra Wilkinson, partners with Louis Van Amstel, back for his eighth season
  • Talk show host Wendy Williams will join Tony Dovolani, back for his 11th season

They combine the scores and votes from this week and next week to determine who leaves first.  Here’s the dance that surprised everyone, including me.

Remakes….How Do You Feel About Them

March 19, 2011

I sat in the theater on Friday (mine and hubby’s 11th Anniversary) watching the previews of upcoming attractions (We were there to see Lincoln Lawyer = which I recommend, great movie, and Matthew Mc is so nice to look at for 2 hours); anyway, there were lots of “remakes.”  Couldn’t help but wonder, WHY?  Do we really need redos of classic movies?  Can’t we just let them be. 

First Up:  Arthur.  The Original starred Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli, and who can forget the butler; Hobson, played brillently by John Gielgud.  The new cast, has  Helen Mirren in the role of Hobson (really a woman?) Nick Nolte,  plays the father of the heiress Arthur, who is played by comedian Russell Brand.  Susan is played by Jennifer Garner, the woman the family wants him to marry and the woman he falls for, Linda,  goes to Greta Gerwig (who?).  Did you see the original?  Would you want to see the remake?  And what about the theme song: Cross’s Caught Between the Moon and New York City – Arthur’s Theme.

Next one was Conan The Barbarian.  You know who was in the first one – the former Gov. of California, Arnold!  So whay remake it again.  I didn’t like the first one, and will this one be any better, dought it.  Conan this time around is played by Jason Momoa (again Who?).  The only name I recognize in the cast is Ron Perlman, but then he’s not really an “a” lister.  So, same question, did you see the original?  Will you see ther remake? 

 And, of course, there’s Wonder Woman.  Who can forget the amazing looking Lynda Carter as the big W!  And now, they have remade the series to be on NBC with Adrianne Palicki in the starring role.  And, with the new W, somes a costume change.  Gone are the booty shorts and red boots  that have been shelved for spandex leggings and blue boots.  Bueller?  Anyone Interested?

And Going Home……Is……

March 17, 2011


  • Jacob “Lusky Stank” Lusk
  • Lauren Alaina
  • Casey Abrams
  • Paul McDonald
  • Scotty McCreery
  • Pia Toscano
  • James Durbin
  • Stefano Langone
  • Thia Megia

Bottom 3

  • Haley Reinhart
  • Naima Adedapo
  • Karen Rodriguez

Performances were:  Lee Dwyze singing his new song“Beautiful Like You”.  Actually was good.

Black Eye Peas….love me some of the Peas. 

AND ON THE WAY OUT THE DOOR IS…….KAREN RODRIGUEZ, save is not used by Judges, but it was not unaimous.



Idol Recap

March 16, 2011

Well here’s my take on last night’s performance, they chose songs from the year of their birth:  (Side note, what the heck was Steven Tyler wearing?)

Naima  Adedapo sang “what’s love got to do with it” and I wondered what her voice was doing with it. 

Paul McDonald– singing with a cold in his nose and Elton John just asked for double his money back for him trying to “Call it the blues”

Thia Megia – loves the ballads and she was “calling to the blue corn moon” and I almost fell asleep.

James Durbin – “I’ll Be There for You” – bon jovi , not bad, our rocker it looks like, thought he shouted more than sang.

Haley Reinhart – “I”m Your Baby Tonight” – okay, just okay.  Had too much of the red stuff on her lips and after the song, it bled down her chin.

Stefano Langone – “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” using the stairs, nice vocals, but he walks the stage like a lounge lizard.

Pia Toscano – brining out a Whitney song – “Where Do Broken Hearts Go”  (theme for the night  – ballads, ballads, ballads)

Scott McCreery – “Can I Trust You With My Heart”  about this time in the show I was ready for a nap.  Snore!

Karen Rodriguez – “Love Will Lead You Back”  (the on line auditioner) she’s been buying those things they sell on tv that lift your hair up – the bump its – another boring ballad.  Weren’t there up beat songs the year this people were born!  the boots had as much material as her outfit.

Casey Abrams (my favorite right now) – “Smells Like Teen Spirit”  (his parents are oldies but goodies)  loved it – I suddenly woke up!  he was a little screamy, but it was nice to hear something other than a ballad.

Lauren Alaina “I’m The Only One” –  Boy she looks enough like her mother to be sisters!  Spreading the flu around while singing – gives Ryan a goofy mask and of course he puts it on.   Not bad, Melissa Ethridge is not threatened though.

Jacob Lusk –  “Alone” – yes, you guessed it, another ballad!  What was he doing on stage?  Lots of lip gloss on.  Is he gonna cry? 

JLo and Randy say we have a hot competition.  Okay.  I guess.  What’s your take?