The Truth is Out

March 6, 2011

I’ll bet you’ve been wondering….well, here’s the what, when, where and why:

ShopperpantsMrs.Chrissomethingorother:  She’s been seen coming out of the local WallyWorld with a case of hair dye cause working with those childrens has turned her completely gray.  Rumor has it there were multiple boxes of different colors – blond, red, purple, blue and green.  (secretly she was probably getting ready for mardigras).

Jexieeeeeee:  Burning the late night oils using quill and ink wells to begin her first of a long line of novellas and rumor has it the book is about these big hunky guys and some heroine named Jexifer rushing in to save them from total collapse from too much time in the gym.  Lots of steamyyyyy activity (come on now, it’s takes place in a the gym and those saunas are steamy).

Evieeee:  Being a closet Justin B, fan, she has been seen using her child and her child’s friends, taking them to see the new movie over and over and over again and in the office her attorneys are a little tired of hearing the CD played over and over… (I hear there this poster blow up of him in her boudoir and it’s kinda freaking hubby out).

Sunshineluvstoread:  Been seen around town with his Kindle in arms anxiously awaiting the new novellas being written by No. 2 above (although he’ll tell you he’s just reading the lasted Ken Follet novel – sure).

Kimtastic:  Has been seen in FlorIda secretly going to a bareall beach, so she can work on that tan all over feeling (it’s rumored there are pectoralis majors  in abundance at this beach – don’t let it out so hubby knows though).

JsNana: Has been spending time at the gym during the morning hours, looking for the hunky guys as a contributing source for the  novella in No. 2 above, and reports that the search is exhausting, but doesn’t mind helping (she’s fainted only 2x from the surprises).

Shaunsky:  He’s knee deep in diapers and has little time for fun these days.  (I’ve heard the neighbors says he’s gittchy gooing and has already posted a “keep out” sign for any young male babies).

Ara:  Rumor has it he’s been cruising around in the pimp mobile looking for a replacement for his No. 1 since she has disappeared (he’s just taking applications right now).