And We’re Down to 12…..

March 10, 2011

The “save” is back, as long as they, meaning the judges, use it before the final 5, did they use it last night, come on, you know they aren’t gonna use it right off the top.

The best part of the night …. Adam Lambert, live, with just a guitars.  Tell again, why he didn’t win?  Adam says the message is the most important part of the song.  Says Lambert;”[“Aftermath”]…was written about finding the courage to be honest with yourself and the people who love you. It’s about facing adversity and taking risks in the name of personal liberation. The song takes on different meanings to different listeners. I hope this song inspires people to be who they truly want to be… And dance!”

Some chat about the Dance remix and donations to the Trevor campaign.  Jennifer is doing the Dougie!  And now all the contestants are. Jlo says she’ll teach Adam how to Dougie later.   

Ryan says, my favorite, Casey Abrams, will not be on the show tonight, in hospital.  Hope he’s okay.  30 million votes came in last night.

We see the Idols checking out the over the top BH mansion they will call home while competing.  

Bottom 3 were:  Karen Rodriguez, Ashton Jones and Haley Reinhart

Going home, Ashthon Jones, the big hair Dianna Ross wannabe.  Not surprised, and she was one of the wild cards.  All the others should be worried, wild carders that is.  David Cook sings her home.  Bye, bye…

Next week, same ole, same ole.