Happy Spring Break Weeks

For the next two weeks, we will be celebrating Spring Break!  Yea, time for rest, fun in the sun, relaxation, no books, no tests, no driving to and from school, no early mornings, just time to reflect.  Here’s the post for the next two weeks.  Everyone contribute or pipe in when you want.  There will be no Idol recaps for the next 2 weeks, and anything else happening, just blog about it.  Free for all, and all for one!

HAPPY SPRINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and St. Patty’s Day too)


10 Responses to Happy Spring Break Weeks

  1. jsnana says:

    Morning all! Checking in on Spring Break, Day 1. We had monthly labs this morning, stop by pharmacy and then it’s off to deliver to baseball practice. Don’t we live the exotic life!

  2. jsnana says:

    Helllooooooo!!!!! Anyone out there????????

  3. jsnana says:

    Good morning any and all! Spring Break Day 2, nothing until baseball game at 4 today.

    So, I watched the Bachelor (well towards the end) when Bach Brad made his choice. And they are engaged, but she didn’t like that he was with the other finalist for his affections, but Bach Brad swears she is the one and he’ll be with her forever, that is if they make it through his temper? Then they have the nerve to have the other couples on – Jason and Molly – really, I was so turned off by them – did anybody watch it too?

  4. Just Jex says:

    Hey NanaBerry! SO not a fan of the bachelor. I really got turned off when that chick slapped him at the beginning saying that she was speaking for all the women in American.

    Right now I’m into Jersey Shore and Housewives of Orange County.

    Quiet around here lately. Guess everyone is really busy with life and stuff. I know I am.

  5. jsnana says:

    Hey Jexieeeeeeeeee. Yea, guess so. I haven’t watched the show all year, but wanted to see if he would reject both again, I wanted the very end. She was married to that race car driver that was killed, or that’s what they said. She’s a cute little “barbie” type.

    I miss everyone.

  6. jsnana says:

    We are having my grandson’s confirmation lunch at a favorite Italian resturant and they have the BEST and I mean BEST garlic rolls and I gave up bread for lent, and although technically, Sunday is not considered part of lent, I still feel I can’t eat any. I’m gonna be in misery.

  7. jsnana says:

    Robin Hood was a thief, Mario gets high off of Mushrooms, Snow White lived with 7 men, Sleeping Beauty always slept in, and our parents wonder why WE Are BAD! lmao

  8. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Hey Nana and Jexy. Happy Tuesday. I was out yesterday and today I’m bombarded with that nasty task called WORK! Holla at you chick-a-dees later1

  9. jsnana says:

    Off to get grandson to school and then baseball game! Go Rangers! (yes his highschool is the Rangers, how great is that.)

    Hugs to all.

    That’s why I did the post for two weeks, cause I know ya’ll are busy, and thought it would be a good break. Although, I may have to post something on here from time to time.

    To my blog family – you are very special to me. Check in tomorrow.

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