It’s Only Just Begun

April 29, 2011

Here’s the dress, what do you think?

Just because…….

April 28, 2011

Prince William and Kate MiddletonSo I haven’t posted anything in a few months and I don’t like scrolling all the way down on old posts, so I created a “just because” post so that we had a fresh one to blog on. 

So what’s in the news? William and Cat’s wedding at Westminster Abbey, the horrific tornadoes and storms that caused an associate of mine to have to run from her house 2:00 this morning because lightening hit it, or the lady in IHOP getting stomped by the po po???

Jason Miller, owner of Sunnyside RV & Truck Sales, was devastated as he spoke on the phone about the $1.5 million on inventory he lost.

Did You Watch The Voice?

April 27, 2011

DWTS: Will someone please tell me why Kendra is still there?????

THE VOICE:  I kinda sorta liked it.  The idea of judging on the singing talent was really different.  I thought at first they would always be buzzing in, but to my delight, they did not.  The Jersey Mom was okay, but I didn’t thing good enough, so glad they didn’t hit the button.  And Adam Levine was the one that really held firm to what he wanted.  And even though Blake said he was gonna not just pick country, it appeared that that was where he was leaning all night.  Did watching it make you want to see more – or tune out? And what did you think of  Christina, Cee Lo, Blake and Adam in their new roles as reality TV judges/coaches.   Love to hear your comments.  OH, and were you surprised to see “Frenchie” from American Idol fame, you know the one that had to pull out cause of the inappropriate pictures and who starred in Rent on Broadway – did you think she should be there?   And here was my favorite performer who went with Adam:  Javier Colon, 33, 

DWTS – The Voice

April 26, 2011

Results from last nights DWTS will be tonight, and The Voice finally begins.  If you watch the former, who did you like last night.  Here’s Kirstie and Maxim’s dance last night.  She finally got a 9.

The Voice and Countdown to The Wedding.

April 24, 2011

Are you among many who will be watching the royals as they act royal?  I’m sure if you decide to miss it, you will have lots of opportunity to watch it over and over and over and over, etc., on every news show available on TV and the Net.

It will be interesting to tune in on Tuesday, April 26th, to The Voice where judges Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera, and Adam Levine seek America’s next great singing superstar.  Carson Daley is the host.  What do you think?  Will it be the new Idol or will X-Factor win that title.    Here’s the scoop on the show: 

“The Voice” is a vocal competition series modeled after Holland’s top-rated vocal talent discovery show, “The Voice of Holland.” Hosted by Carson Daly, the show features four musician coaches: Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, who will coach only the most talented vocalists.

The show’s innovative format features three stages of competition: the first begins with the blind audition, then the competition enters into a battle phase, and finally, the live performance. The show’s casting team is working with the music industry and searching the country for the best singers to bring to the blind audition process. During the blind auditions, the decisions from the coaches are based solely on voice and not on looks. The coaches hear the contestants perform, but they don’t get to see them – thanks to rotating chairs. If a coach is impressed by a contestant’s voice, he/she pushes a button to select the contestant. At this point, the coach’s chair will swivel to face the contestant selected. If more than one coach selects the talent, the power shifts to the contestant, who may choose which coach they want to work with throughout the competition.

Once the teams are set, the battle is on. Coaches will dedicate themselves to developing their singers, giving them advice, and sharing the secrets of their success. During the battle rounds the coaches will pit two of their own team members against each other to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience. After the vocal face-off, the coach must choose which singers will advance.  At the end of the battle episodes, only the strongest members of each coach’s roster remain and proceed to the live stage shows. In this final performance phase of the competition, the top contestants from each team will compete against each other during a live broadcast. The television audience will vote to save one contestant on each team, leaving the coach to decide live who they want to save and who will not move on. At last, each coach will have his/her best contestant left standing to compete in the finale. From these four, one will be named “The Voice” – and will receive the grand prize of a recording contract and $100,000.

  Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton performed the Gnarls Barkley hit “Crazy” (originally sung by Cee Lo) together in a preview of the NBC singing competition.    

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

April 23, 2011

He is risen! 

When the followers of Jesus went to the tomb expecting to see the body of Jesus, still in it. They saw an angel who said to them, ”He is not here; for He has risen! Now go and tell”.

It Is Finished! Good Friday.

April 21, 2011

 “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!” Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe and went up to him again and saying “Hail, king of the Jews!”   Later, Knowing that all was now completed, and so that scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on on a stalk of hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips.   When he had recieved his drink, Jesus said “It is finished.”

Welcome Back Teach!!!!!!

April 17, 2011

Today, I welcome back, the future nominee for Teacher of the Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You Have Been missed.

The Teacher Gets A+ 

Mrs. TeacherShopperPants,
I look forward to your class
When I come to school.
You’re an awesome teacher;
I think you’re very cool. 

You’re smart and fair and friendly;
You’re helping all of us.
And if I got to grade you,
From me you’d get A+!

Happy Friday

April 15, 2011

Everyone have a great weekend.

DWTS and Idol….

April 13, 2011

Sugar Ray went home last night on DWTS.  Really, before Kendra???  I admit he wasn’t blowing anyone away with his dancing, but he was way more enjoyable to watch than Miss former Bunny girl.  And to top it off Kendra was rude, basically stated she “doesn’t care” and can’t be elegant, or classy…..did her time in le mansion really give her that big a following?

Oh, and Survivor fans.  Will someone please wise up and vote out Boston Rob!  What is it with these people?

It’s movie night on Idol this week.  I hope no one does any Aerosmith, please and thank you.