Friday …. Did you Hear It

Don’t know if ya’ll heard all the controversy regarding “Friday” and the  young girl Rebecca Black and the how horrible her youtube “offical video” was and well, her voice too.  Lyrics are really not very good.  But, enjoy – and Happy Week to all!

Here’s a fun performance of the song on Jimmy Kimmel Live – with Stephen Colbert and Jex, pay close attention to the surprise contributor.

7 Responses to Friday …. Did you Hear It

  1. jsnana says:

    Good Monday morning to all! Woke up at 4:00 with the Code Red message on my phone with severe thunderbumpers warning, then quickly went back to sleep! Lots of wind, lightening and rain greated the week. Lucky us.

  2. jsnana says:

    I didn’t see it live last night, but now, wish I had…Steven Tyler can still bring it on!

  3. Kimmy Kim says:

    I LOVE Steven Tyler!!

    Oh and I am officially sucked into DWTS. Wendy Williams honestly…couldn’t look like more of a man if he tried. Bless her big boobied heart, she really tries. But I love the young blonde girl, Kirstie and Ralph. The wrestler dude is funny too.

    Hey y’all!! Back at work today was rough. I woke up at 3am too so it’s been a loooong day.

    We went to Universal Studios yesterday and I almost got in 2 fights. 1 was at the Simpsons ride…long story they overlooked us 1 too many times and #2 was some young, skinny, t-ramp flirting with my hubby. “Take my picture pleeeease **batting eyes***” Me: “Step off tramp ‘fo I shove that camera down your thoat.”

  4. Kimmy Kim says:


  5. jsnana says:

    Kimmy, I loving DWTS this season too. Here’s my favorite from last night.

  6. jsnana says:

    And of course, porr Kirstie and Maksim – got to give it to them, they finished it beautifully.

  7. jsnana says:

    Yea Wendy is gone.

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