Happy Tuesday, Hope You Have a Good Day

Tuesday, one more day closer to Spring Break here and sleeping in.  Hope everyone has a great day.

8 Responses to Happy Tuesday, Hope You Have a Good Day

  1. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Hey Nana, I feel just like that thingy in the picture! Happy Tuesday indeed! %-(

  2. jsnana says:

    Morning all – whereever you are!

  3. jsnana says:

    So today is Fat Tuesday…anyone do “lenten disciplines? I am giving up all bread products for lent. Nothing until Easter.

  4. Just Jex says:

    Happy Mardi Gras Mes Amis! Eat drink and be happy for tomorrow, we give it all up. Well for those of us who that kind of thing.

  5. jsnana says:

    Hey my two bestestest favorites Jexieeeeee and Evieeeee. (Shhhh, don’t tell the others.)

  6. Eve Doin'ME says:

    Hey Nana and Jexyloo! I’m bored……………..

    • jsnana says:

      Did you see brothers and sisters? Are you into Army Wives, Sunday nights just go better – Amazing Race, Army Wives, then Brothers and Sisters. I was happy!

  7. jsnana says:

    Jexieeeee, my daughter just gave me her old nook – do you like your kindle? Do you use it a lot?

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